Writers work with words and voices just as painters work with colors; and where do these words and voices come from? Many sources; conversations heard and overheard, movies and radio broadcasts, newspapers, magazines, yes, and other writers.--William Seward Burroughs.
The title of this blog, which, I must say is brilliant, was stolen from two sources. The first, Old Bull Lee himself. He was writing a book way back when that was never published called "Ah Pook Was Here?" The other source is public restroom inscriptions like "Salt Chunk Mary was Here," or, "Edna Million was here, 2009." I stole these two ideas and created one amazing blog title. The addition I made was to turn the "was" into an "is" because only a fool would write they "was" somewhere. You "is" somewhere. Right?
Godard has created the most amazing film-universe through savage thievery. (That's the trick, you can't be a cautious or lazy thief) It is his gift to us, for now we may walk in its cruel and familiar beauty.
Everything belongs to the inspired and dedicated thief.